Monday, January 9, 2012

Zof Shade by Jason Engle (Art Analysis)

The Artist for this pictures name is Jason Engle, and he did this for the a Magic the Gathering Card. He dose a lot of there cards.
The artwork looks to be a dark shadowy beast in a dark swamp next to what seems to be some kind of ruin.For the creature he made its body look not very solid, the colors of the shade are very dark but to distinguish the different parts of the monster he made the outer areas a little lighter making it look as it had a 3D shape. The artist used very subtle colors around the creature, but he made the eyes bright so that your eyes would be drawn to them. I don't think this picture has a meaning, it is just a cool monster.The mood is dark because of the setting and this gives you a sense of danger. I think that the work is dark and shadowy like how I want to make my project. I want to make a dark monster like this.

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